前 言 超越·自我 向上的路 总是坎坷又崎岖 当我们跨越了一座高山 也就跨越了一个真实的自己 在这个奔腾年代,黑天鹅亦或白天鹅,都是美丽的风景。在跨越自我中凤凰涅槃,设计今天与明天,挥洒激情与创意,放飞希望与梦想,指引潮流走向未来…… 第18届“虎门杯”国际青年设计(女装)大赛的T台,与你共享全球时尚基因,见证你的精彩跨越! “虎门杯”国际青年设计(女装)大赛组委会 Preface Surpass Ourselves “Upward roads are Always rugged and bumpy; When we’ve climbed over a mountain, That means we’ve surpassed ourselves” In this fast developing age, both white swans and black swans are the unique and beautiful scenery of the city. Get up the nerve to surpass yourself and be a better you. Design and paint today and the future with passion and creativity and let your hope and dream fly high in the sky. You can be the one leading the fashion trend. In the stage of the 18th “Humen Cup” International Youth Design Contest (Women’s Wear), we share the worldwide fashion gene and witness your excellent performance. The Organizing Committee of "Humen Cup" International Youth Design Contest 参赛资格 凡爱好服装设计,年龄在45岁以下者均可报名参赛。 QUALIFICATION Anyone engaged in fashion design and under 45 is qualified to participate. 组织机构 主办单位: 中国纺织信息中心 中国国际贸易促进委员会纺织行业分会 中国服装协会 中国服装设计师协会 广东省服装服饰行业协会广东省服装设计师协会 东莞市虎门服装服饰行业协会 承办单位: 广东服装研究设计中心有限公司东莞市虎门服装服饰行业协会 东莞市虎门服装设计师协会 ORGANIZATIONSponsors: China Textile Information Center China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Textile Industry Branch China National Garment Association China Fashion Association Guangdong Association of Garment & Garment Article Industry Guangdong Fashion Designers Association Dongguan Humen Clothing & Accessories Industry Association Undertakers:Guangdong Fashion Research & Design Center Co., Ltd.Dongguan Humen Clothing & Accessories Industry Association Dongguan Humen Garment Designer Association 作品要求 【参赛方法及截稿日期】: 1、参赛者可于2017年4月3日开始在www.humen.gov.cn, www.fumin.com, www.gdfz.org, http://art.cfw.cn网上查看相关资料。 2、凡志愿参加者填报参赛表格,务必将参赛表格联同参赛作品效果图于2017年7月30日前寄交大赛组委会(以寄出邮戳为准);参赛表格可在虎门太平网(www.humen.gov.cn)、富民服装城网(www.fumin.com)、CFW服装设计网(http://art.cfw.cn/)下载。 PARTICIPATION AND DEADLINE 1、Participants can search from the websites www.humen.gov.cn, www.fumin.com, www.gdfz.org,http://art.cfw.cn for detailed information from April 3rd , 2017. 2、Please complete the application form(available on www.humen.gov.cn, www.fumin.com, www.gdfz.org, http://art.cfw.cn) and send it to the organizing committee as well as the fashion drawings by July 30, 2017(subject to postmark date). 【参赛作品要求】: 1、主题:超越·自我 2、范围:女装(面料、材料不限) 3、参赛选手按系列设计,每一系列5套,画在同一张效果图,规格27cmx40cm; 效果图背面需附上以下资料:(1)左上角附:主题名称、设计思想(不超过50字);(2)左下角附:正背面款式图;(3)右上角附:姓名、性别、出生年月、国籍、毕业(在读)学校、学历、服务单位、单位地址、邮政地址、邮政编码、E-mail、联系电话、传真(注:所有文字必须用母语和英语书写);并附身份证复印件以及大一寸彩色照片1张(用信封装好并贴牢固);(4)右下角附:面料小样(8cmx8cm);来稿一律不退,请自留底稿。 4、来稿必须是未发表过的原创作品,如发现一稿多投,则视为无效稿件。 DEMANDS ON WORKS 1、Subject: Surpass Ourselves 2、Range: Women’s wear (all fabric & material available). 3、Participants’ design is based on different series. Each series includes 5 suits drawn on one drawing(27cmx40cm).On the opposite side: (1) subject, design thought(maximum 50 words) written on the left top; (2) front and back pattern drawing on the left bottom; (3) name, sex, date of birth, nationality, school of graduation, education, working company, address of working company, post code, E-mail, telephone number and fax on the right top(all must be filled in your native language and English);one copy of ID card and color photo(as used for passport)should be attached(packed with an envelope and well sealed); (4)sample of the fabric & material (8cmx8cm)on the right bottom. The drawings are not returnable. 4、The contribution must be the works never published. Such works contributed more than once are regarded as invalid manuscript. 【评选方法】: 1、评选分为初赛、决赛两阶段进行。 2、报名截稿后,由评委对来稿进行初审,选出30个系列入围决赛,组委会于9月1日后在www.humen.gov.cn或[url=http://www.gdfz.org]www.gdfz.org[/url]上公布入围选手名单(参赛选手可查阅初评结果),并以书面形式通知入围选手制作实物参加决赛。 SELECTION 1、The competition will carry through preliminary and final. 2、The judges will evaluate the works based on the rules after the deadline; 30 works will be selected for the final. The organizing committee will publish the name list of finalists on www.humen.gov.cn or www.gdfz.org after September 1st and notify them with written form to make preparation for the final. 大赛流程 【决赛日期,地点及有关事宜】: 1、决赛时间定于11月18日晚(第二十二届中国(虎门)国际服装交易会期间,具体时间以入围通知书为准)。 2、决赛地点:中国广东省东莞市虎门镇虎门会展中心时装表演厅(具体地点以入围通知书为准)。 3、入围选手必须携带参赛作品于决赛前3天(北京时间)到达决赛地点(具体时间以入围通知书为准) 4、获得金、银、铜奖的作品由组委会收藏 DATE/PLACE OF FINAL AND MATTERS CONCERNED 1、Final is settled on November 18th, during the 22nd China (Humen) International Fashion Fair. (The specific time is subject to the notification) 2、Place: Fashion Show Hall, Humen Convention&Exhibiton Center, Humen Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China (The specific place is subject to the notification) 3、Finalists should arrive at the final place 3 days ahead of the final night (Peking Time). (The specific time is subject to the notification) 4、The costume works awarded the gold ,silver and bronze prize have to be kept by the organizing committee. 奖项设置 1、对获奖者颁发奖金、奖杯、证书。 金奖1名:奖金15万元人民币,颁发奖杯、证书; 银奖2名:奖金各8万元人民币,颁发奖杯、证书; 铜奖3名:奖金各5万人民币,颁奖奖杯、证书; 优秀奖10名:奖金各2万人民币,颁发证书; 入围者:颁发证书。 2、获奖作品将在专业报刊、杂志及网上发表;决赛现场由有关电视台录播。 3、(a)入围选手交通费由组委会负责。其中:欧美选手一万元(人民币),亚洲选手五千元(人民币)[注:中国选手三千元(人民币)]; (b)入围选手在虎门参赛期间由组委会提供免费食宿; 4、获得金、银、铜奖的中国选手,具备条件的,均有机会获得奖学金资助前往英国曼彻斯特城市大学学习1年,奖学金价值约12万元人民币,名额1名。组委会有权根据留学选派院校的情况,以及金、银、铜奖得主的外语水平,确定名额人选。如有不愿出国或不具备出国留学要求的,其出国培训缺额按决赛得分高低在中国选手中依次替补。组委会保留最终解释权。 ENCOURAGEMENT 1、The winners will be awarded bonus, cup and certificate. One gold prize: 150,000RMB, cup and certificate Two silver prizes: 80,000 RMB, cup and certificate Three bronze prizes: 50,000 RMB, cup and certificate Ten excellence prizes: 20,000 RMB, certificate Finalist prizes: certificate 2、The prized works will be published in the professional journals. The final will be broadcasted on relevant television stations. 3、(a)Finalists’ traveling expenses are covered by the organizing committee with standards as below:10,000RMB for European and American finalists; 5,000RMB for Asian finalists;3,000RMB for Chinese finalists. (b)The organizing committee offers free accommodation during the final for the finalists. 4、The gold、silver and bronze winners from China have the chance to study at Manchester Metropolitan University in England for 1 year with scholarship of around 120,000RMB. There is only one quota and the final decision would be made by the organizing committee according to the requests of the selected university and the foreign language level of the candidates. Anyone who is not qualified or not willing to study abroad would be replaced, and the quota would be given to the Chinese finalists according to their grade in the final. The organizing committee reserves all rights. 联系方式 投稿地址:中国广东省广州市海珠区礼岗路13号7楼703 单位名称:“虎门杯”国际青年设计(女装)大赛组委会 邮政编码:510280 联系方式: 电话:020-84348410 020- 84343997 0769-85505391 传真:020-84307512 E-mail: 75768004@qq.com 503724@qq.com whitneyhuang@163.com fair@fumin.com 联系人:曹苇 唐睿 黄颖仪 Address: #703,7/F, #13 Ligang Rd., Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China. Receiver: Organizing Committee of “Humen Cup” International Youth Design Contest (Women’s Wear). Postcode: 510280 Contact: Tel: 86-20-84349836 86-769-85505391 Fax: 86-20-84307512 E-mail: whitneyhuang@163.com Liaison officers: Mr.Xuan Suiming, Ms. Whitney Huang 相关网站:www.humen.gov.cn, www.fumin.com, www.gdfz.org, http://art.cfw.cn/ 下载大赛报名表 |
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