大赛简介 第五届中国(虎门)国际童装网上设计大赛 The 5th China (Humen) International Children’s Wear Online Design Contest 主办机构 主办单位:广东省服装服饰行业协会 广东省服装设计师协会 《服装设计师》杂志社 东莞市虎门服装设计师协会 承办单位:广东服装研究设计中心有限公司 虎门太平网 支持单位:中国服装设计师协会 网络支持:中国服装设计师协会网、中国服装网、中国女装网、 中国品牌服装网、广东服装行业流通信息平台、虎门太平网、虎门服装网、富民服装城网;虎门服装微信;虎门太平官方微博、虎门服装微博、虎门时尚微博、虎门服装设计微博、广东时装周微博;CFW服装设计网 ORGANIZATION Sponsors: Guangdong Association of Garment & Garment Article Industry Guangdong Fashion Designers Association Dongguan Humen Garment Designer Association Undertaker: Guangdong Fashion Research &Design Center Co.,Ltd. www.humen.gov.cn Supporter: China Fashion Association Online Supports: www.fashion.org.cn, www.efu.com.cn, www.nz86.com, www.china-ef.com, www.gdfz.org, www.humen.gov.cn, www.humen.com,www.fumin.com, art.cfw.cn, Wechat(humengarment) and Weibo(http://weibo.com/hmjmb、http://weibo.com/humenzhen、http://weibo.com/u/2778047730、http://weibo.com/u/2780744682) etc 大赛主题: “彩色世界” Theme: “Colorful World” 作品要求 【参赛对象】: 1、国内外专业服装设计师(包括港澳台地区); 2、国内外服装院校师生; 3、服装设计爱好者。 QUALIFICATION 1. Foreign and domestic professional fashion designers (including HK, Macau and Taiwan territory) 2. Foreign and domestic fashion school’s teachers and students 3. Fashion Design Amateurs 【作品要求】: 1、参赛作品需要贴合大赛“积极、创新、实用、童趣”的宗旨,体现2017或2018国际流行趋势,设计创新,有商业价值和市场潜力,必须为童装,设计完整的系列化及服饰配套,每个系列5套。 2、作品必须是彩色效果图(电子版),一个系列人物连画在一张效果图中,(规格:297毫米x420毫米,即A3尺寸),并在左上方标明作品名称。格式须为JPG(平面图片),可手绘或电脑制作。 3、附加该参赛设计作品的整体设计思路一份,格式为Word文本格式 ,字数约100字。 4、参赛作品必须为本人原创作品,每人一稿,稿件不得一稿多投或抄袭他人作品,如发现即取消参赛权;初评结束后,在入围作品公示期间,如大赛组委会接到某作品涉嫌抄袭的举报,经评委小组核实后,针对有明显有抄袭嫌疑的选手,组委会将直接取消其入围资格,替换成候补的选手凭原创作品入围继续参与投票竞选。 5、所有参赛作品版权归大赛组委会所有,组委会有权宣传、出版、制作、展示全部参赛作品。 DEMANDS ON WORKS 1. The works must be designed for the aim of “Positive Power, Creativity, Practical and Childlike simplicity” and to embody 2017/2018 latest fashion with notable innovation, commercial value and market potential. The range is children’s wear with complete series and accessories. Each series includes 5 suits. 2. The design sketch should be completed in color, along with a series of characters drawn on (The required specification is 29.7cm×42cm,A3 paper size). Name of the work should be placed on the left top of your work. JPG is the required image format (for Graphic Design picture). Either hand-painted work or computer-produced ones will be accepted. 3. Also attach an article of design inspiring thought (DOC) of your works with about 100 words. 4. The works must be original and never be published. After the Preliminary and during the publicity period, the 30 shortlisted works will be made public. One person can only contribute once. Copy works and the works contributed more than once are regarded as invalid manuscript. We reserved the rights to cancel the contestant’s qualification if above verified. 5. The copyright of all contributions is owned by the contest committee. The committee has the right to promote, publish, make and display all contributions. 大赛流程 选手报名及作品征集时间:2017年4月3日—2017年7月31日 初赛评审时间:2017年8月1日—2017年8月7日 入围作品公示时间:2017年8月8日—2017年8月31日 网络投票时间:2017年9月4日—2017年9月22日 大赛结果揭晓时间:2017年9月27日。 Schedule Application and contribution: April 3rd—July 31st, 2017 Preliminary: August 1st—7th, 2017 Publicity Period: August 8th—31st, 2017. Web voting for the final: September 4th to 22nd, 2017. Contest result announcement: September 27th, 2017. 【评奖流程】: (初赛):专业评审组从所有参赛作品中评审出得分最高的前30份作品进入大赛决赛,进入决赛的作品将先放在虎门太平网上公示一周时间,在此期间接受广大网友的审阅,如有网友发现有入围作品涉嫌抄袭,请在公示时间内准备好其抄袭证据发到组委会的邮箱:sjds@humen.gov.cn,并在邮件名称上注明“举报XX号作品抄袭”,组委会将严肃处理涉嫌抄袭的选手,取消其参赛资格,其入围名额将按其作品得分安排仅次于前30名的优秀选手的参赛作品代替,继续进行网上公示。公示时间一结束,所有有效的作品将统一挂在虎门太平网上接受网络投票参与决赛。 (决赛):进入决赛的作品及其作者的相关资料将在虎门太平网上公布,并接受专业评审团及网友的共同评分,入围选手可通过个人的微信或新浪微博介绍和宣传个人的作品,为自己拉票(其中,评审团评分占最终得分的80%,网友评分占20%)算出最终得分,评出金、银、铜奖得主。 (最佳创意奖):在入围的作品中,由专业评审团评分,得分最高的作品获得本次大赛的最佳创意奖。 (网络人气大奖):在进入决赛的作品中,由网友评分,投票数最高的作品获得本次大赛的最具人气大奖。 (幸运网友大奖):比赛结果揭晓后,由系统随机抽取30名参与投票的网友,获得幸运网友大奖。 (工作机会):金、银、铜奖获得者将获得虎门知名品牌服装企业的实习机会。 SELECTION Preliminary: The professional judge group will evaluate all contributions based on the rules and select the best 30 works for the final. These 30 shortlisted works will be made public for a week. During the publicity period, we welcome friends to report those who have plagiarism suspicious and send evidence to our email (sjds@humen.gov.cn) with title “plagiarism+number of the works”. Once verified, the organizing committee reserves the right to cancel the contestant’s qualification and alternate contestant will be chosen according to the grade. After the publicity period, the top 30 works will be made public on the website for voting. The organizing committee reserves all rights. Final: The selected 30 works and the designers’ relevant information will be on www.humen.gov.cn and scored by professional judge group and web voters. The finalists can use their personal Wechat or Sina Weibo to introduce and propagate their works (The professional judge group score 80%, the web voters score 20%) and comes out the Gold, Silver and Bronze Prize winners. The Creation Award: The professional judge group will score 30 final works based on design creation and the highest scorer will win this prize. Web Popularity Award: The works of the final 30 which get the highest web voting will win this prize. Lucky Web Voter: After prizes winner come out, 30 lucky voters will be drawn by random by the system Working Opportunity: Gold, Silver and Bronze winners will have the opportunity to get a internship offered by Humen garment company. 奖项设置 【奖项设置】: 金奖1名:15000元人民币、奖牌、获奖证书。 银奖2名:10000元人民币、奖牌、获奖证书。 铜奖3名:6000元人民币、奖牌、获奖证书。 最佳创意奖1名:3000元人民币、奖牌、获奖证书。 网络人气大奖1名:3000元人民币、奖牌、获奖证书。 幸运网友大奖30名:由虎门知名童装品牌“巴迪小虎”赞助每人一套精品童装作为网友积极参与投票的奖励。 ENCOURAGEMENT One Gold Prize: 15,000RMB, cup and certificate Two Silver Prizes: 10,000RMB, cup and certificate Three Bronze Prizes: 6,000RMB, cup and certificate One The Creation Award: 3,000RMB, cup and certificate One Web Popularity Award: 3,000RMB, cup and certificate Thirty Lucky Web Voters: Exquisite children’s apparel provided by “Badi Tiger” fashion brand. 联系方式 【报名办法】: 1、选手于截稿日期前登陆虎门太平网(www.humen.gov.cn)、富民服装城网(www.fumin.com)、广东服装行业流通信息平台(www.gdfz.org),CFW服装设计网(http://art.cfw.cn/)下载并填妥报名表格后,连同参赛图稿、1张个人生活照片、身份证扫描件的电子版(缺一不可)以压缩文件的格式打包发至:虎门太平网邮箱(sjds@humen.gov.cn),请并务必在邮件标题注明“参赛选手姓名+《作品名称》”。截稿时间以邮件的发送时间为准。(大赛组委会收集稿件以虎门太平网大赛专用邮箱为准,请报名选手务必将稿件发至我方指定邮箱:sjds@humen.gov.cn) 2、联系方式: 联系人及电话:刘家怡(0769-85505391) CONTRIBUTION 1. The contestants click before deadline www.humen.gov.cn, www.fumin.com, www.gdfz.org, http://art.cfw.cn/ to download the application form. Fill the form and pack with your works, 1 personal photo and ID card to email to sjds@humen.gov.cn. Please title the email with “contestant name+ name of the works”. Deadline is subject to sending time. (All the works must be sent to the appointed email:sjds@humen.gov.cn.) 2. Contact Liaison person: Ms. Liu Jiayi Tel: +86-769-85505391 大赛报名表下载 |
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